Building Bridges for Leadership Excellence
“Imagine a world where leaders, like threads in a tapestry, weave together wisdom and experience from every corner of the globe. This is the dream and vision of the ACE Global Leaders of Excellence Network (AGLEN), where borders become bridges and a shared vision fuels a brighter future.
AGLEN isn’t just a network, it’s a global family. Our passion for excellence and empowerment drives leaders from all walks of life to design and develop win-win collaborations”
Pooja Chandra Pama, Founder ACE Global Leaders
of Excellence Network and Co-Chairwoman
ACE Health Foundation established the ACE Global Leaders of Excellence Network (AGLEN), a diverse platform for connecting highly accomplished and successful leaders committed to leadership development. AGLEN provides access to a vetted international community of peers grounded in the premise that focused sharing of knowledge, expertise, and resources increases the probability of productive and powerful outcomes.
Our program aspires to channel the collaborative empowerment of global leaders’ individual generosity of resources and wisdom to support and develop successful leaders globally.
Our Win-Win Leadership Philosophy
Through ACE Global Leaders of Excellence Network’s (AGLEN’s) influential worldwide access, members participate in critical leadership conversations, magnify their influence, and pave the way to a gateway for more under-represented leaders to join senior global leadership positions. This platform facilitates sharing and exchanging personal visions, resources, priorities, and interests with distinguished international colleagues and rising leaders. AGLEN membership also extends your organizational reach and message delivery to global communities most relevant to your mission, whether your affiliation is in business, academia, or public service.
Join ACE Global Leaders of Excellence Network!
ACE Global Leaders of Excellence Network (AGLEN) works to unite and strengthen our global community through alliances that advocate and advance cultural understanding. AGLEN’s charge initiates an arduous pool of unparalleled leaders, changing the world by solving problems while creating a unique environment of commitment to each other and the women and men who will lead us in the future.
Join the ACE Global Leaders of Excellence Network (AGLEN) in building a bridge to advance leadership excellence.
Apply for membership and commitment today.
Pooja Chandra Pama
President, ACE Health Foundation, and Global Co-Chair, ACE Global Leaders of Excellence Network
U.S. Ambassador Tatiana Gfoeller-Volkoff(ret.)
Ambassador-at-large, ACE health Foundation & ACE Global Leaders of Excellence Network
U.S. Ambassador Paula J Dobriansky(ret.)(USA)
Former U.S. Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs and senior Fellow in the Future of Diplomacy project at Harvard University
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U.S. Ambassador Harriet L. Elam-Thomas(ret.)(USA)
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U.S. Ambassador Michael Gfoeller(ret.)(USA)
Former Senior Political Advisor to General Petraeus, U.S. Central Command, and indipendent consultant on International Politics and Economics
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Astrid Maria Jakobs de Padua (Germany)
Counselor for Food and Agriculture Minister Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, Washington,DC
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Clare Lockhart(USA)
Author and Director and Co-founder of the Institute for State Effectiveness
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Dr Louise I Shelley(USA)
Omer L. and Nancy Hirst professor of Public Policy, University Professor Director, Terrorism, Transnational Crime and Corruption Center
Suzette Bather-Taylor(USA)
Program Director, Business Diversity Aviation Department, Port Authority of NY & NJ
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Ellen S. Hurwits,PhD(USA)
President Emerita, of American University of Central Asia (AUCA), Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
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Christy Luxe(USA)
Sports and Entertainment Executive, Sports Team Owner, Co-Publisher Krave Magazine
Catherine Wanjiku Irungu(Kenya)
Entrepreneur and Politician Kenya and COMESA Region Representative of ACE Global Leaders of Excellence Network
Betty Adhiambo Adera(Kenya)
Entrepreneur and Public Health Expert
Dr. Sarah M.Kilemi, Phd(Kenya)
Human Rights Activist and Leadership Consultant(kenya)
Muthoni Kimani (Kenya)
Former Advocate of the high court in kenya and Entrepreneur agribusiness and Manufacturing
Julie Waweru(Kenya)
Co-Founder and Director GrainArk International
Margaret Muthoni Mbogoh (Kenya)
President, Kenya Women’s Chamber of Commerce and CEO, the Export Institute
“I am extremely proud to be the ACE Health Foundation’s Ambassador-at-Large because of its practical and therefore potent message. As a former diplomat, I know from personal experience how exposure to new cultures reveals new aspects of oneself, of which one had not previously been aware. In this way ACE Global Network, in addition to bringing diverse, highly accomplished leaders, thinkers and executives together to partner, exchange information, and collaborate, as well as mentor the next generation of senior professionals and rising stars from the public and private sectors around the world, ACE provides critical avenues for mutual exploration. I hope as many people as possible can take advantage of this opportunity.”
- U.S. Ambassador Tatiana Gfoeller