In recognition of the 11th anniversary of the United Nations International Day of the Girl Child, ACE Health Foundation celebrates, and embraces the themes, Digital generation, Our generation, and Invest in Girls Rights: Our Leadership, Our Well being. ACE supports, empowers, and uplifts girls worldwide by making concerted efforts to bridge the leadership and digital gender divide by providing resources, and implementing educational programs and mentoring opportunities for social and economic empowerment. ACE recognizes the urgency of advancing and developing spaces that pave the way for girls to contribute to the decisions that impact their concerns and well-being.
As a global leader in girls training and mentoring, ACE Health Foundation is dedicated to developing young emerging women leaders. ACE Health Foundation established the ACE Global Leaders of Excellence Network (AGLEN), a platform for connecting highly accomplished and successful leaders committed to leadership development. AGLEN provides access to a vetted international community of peers grounded in the premise that focused sharing of knowledge, expertise, and resources increases the probability of productive and powerful outcomes.
Highlighted in the notion and grounded in the mantra of Pooja Chandra Pama, she states, With privilege comes our responsibility to support initiatives such as the United Nations International Day of the Girl Child that address the disruption of discrimination, violence, and exploitation of girls. As a unified global community, for true freedom let us continue to move forward to empower our girls to pursue their unalienable rights to safety, equity, and equality.